So, I love this picture I took of Luke yesterday morning after dropping Ian off at the bus stop. This very adorable little smile and these eyes full of joy are indeed a wonderful blessing, BUT... dare I say that this little guy has a MOST mischevious little dark side to him. Luke lights up my day, usually, with his loving little hugs and his words of comfort as he tells me, 'Awe, I lub (love) you Mommy, and I lub edybody!' (everybody) He will spontaniously come and grab hold of Mason, Ian or I, and how I treasure those moments!
BUT.... this little boy has mischief embeded into him from I don't know where. He has a very vivid imagination. Oh... not to mention he's very good at hiding... not only himself, but aparently his wet pull-ups as well - which by the way we still haven't found at my mom's house! When he is quiet, that means you better run to find out what he's in to... like the sharpie markers! And this little ADORABLE boy, has an attitude you wouldn't believe - well, maybe you do believe it if you've met him!
Anyway, I just love my Luke and I am constantly reminding myself that "HE'S ONLY THREE" and not to get too frustrated with him. His smile and laughing eyes will butter Dave and I up to the extreme and unfortunatly, Luke knows that!