November 9, 2008
Last night, Dave and I were at our wits end with trying to entertain the boys. And I feel really bad, because between Dave's school projects and my work things, it seemed as if we didn't spend any time with the kids yesterday. So, Dave had a brilliant idea and the boys absolutely loved it. Dave brought the tent into the house and set it up in the living room while the boys were taking their baths, and we 'went camping!' It was fun just to be all together in the tent and we let the boys play with the flashlights and we read stories and talked. It was awesome for me to imagine the upcoming years with a house full of boys and going on fun family camping trips! Ian fell asleep in the tent and Luke wouldn't settle down long enough to go to sleep, so he had to go to his bed. Dave even fell asleep in the tent for a few hours until he finally woke up with a sore back at 10:30! It was really fun, so I thought I'd share!