June 5, 2009

Saying Goodbye To Kindergarten

Ian's last day of Kindergarten was today! He was very sad to see the year come to an end. He has truly loved his kindergarten class and has learned and has grown so much this past school year! He is growing up so fast it seems!
Yesterday, he was sitting on the couch looking through his school yearbook while I was practicing the piano for a minute... and when I was done, he came up to me with big tears welling up in his eyes and said, "Mom, you know what that song reminds me of?" (he was getting all choked up by this time) and I said, "no, what buddy?" And he said, "How much I'm going to miss my kindergarten!" and by then he had began to sob. It was so sweet and hard for me to stay composed, but to see him get emotional about kindergarten truly said to me how much he enjoyed it. He said how much he was going to miss all his friends and his teacher. So I suggested he make Miss Dulin, his teacher, a good-bye card. So, because it was so pathetic and cute and sad all in one, I copied it so we could remember it always. Just like me, huh? So below is the card he made for his teacher. And I think she even shed a little tear when she read it!

I promised Ian that some of his classmates now will most likely be in his first grade class next year, and he'll see Miss Dulin at school sometimes too.
I'm so proud of everything that Ian can do now. He is beginning to read on his own and that just amazes me! He can add pretty good and has started subtraction. He's been a great student, according to his teacher, and works hard in his projects and assignments. The top picture is from his kindergarten play, in the which he performed his own part and the part of a classmate who was absent. He was the only one in the class who had all parts memorized! Awesome! I look forward to looking at his daily journal he kept in the upcoming days. I love my little Ian. He is so bright and can be a GREAT helper! Good job in Kindergarten, Ian! I love you!
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