So I have been a slacking blogger, but hey... I have a crazy life these days! The past few weeks have been pretty eventful!

Last post, Mason was cutting teeth like crazy, and in one week, he cut 4 teeth! He then got really sick with the upper chest congestion and terrible cough and nose thing going on. He wasn't too happy for a little while, but now is again a happy baby. He gets really upset though, when we shut all the doors in the hallway and he can't get in the rooms! Yesterday, we saw him peeking under the door to Ian's room and the bathroom trying to see what was going on that he was missing in there! It was so cute! Then he'd cry and reach his hand under the door! How funny!
Ian was sick as well with the same thing that Mason had, but again is feeling much better. He's currently writing his Young Author book for his Kindergarten class (everyone writes one) and I'll let you know when it will be 'published' (finished) ;)

Luke is crazy as always, and always seems to be getting louder! He loves preschool and primary at church too! But last week, he thought he could pick up Mason and accidentally dropped him right into the door frame! Ouch for Mason! Mason was very sad and I think Luke even felt a little bit of remorse! Mason was left with a HUGE knot on his forehead and didn't like it AT ALL when we tried to ice it. Poor baby... but he'll be the toughest of them all I'm thinking!

This past weekend we were excited to go to our friend Jennifer's wedding reception! Jennifer and her sister Julene, and also thier other sister Jessica, have been great friends and the boys most favorite babysitters! Jennifer and Dylan got married in the Nauvoo temple (which I was very sad - VERY SAD - to miss) and then we went as a family to the reception last Saturday night. The boys REALLY had a great time dancing and eating cake! It was a great time to get out of our house and have some fun and celebrate with them! Jennifer moved here when she was a Mia Maid in Young Women's and I was her leader in Young Women's as with the other girls as well! So it pleases me even more when I see these girls grow up and get married in the Temple! It just makes my day!

Jennifer and I at her wedding reception!

Julene and I at Jennifer's reception. Julene was the Maid of Honor!
We have also been working really hard the past week or so trying to get our internet business up and running. (for those of you who don't know... we are now ecommerce business owners!) Hopefully we'll have a fun website up and running in the next month! We'll be selling wedding supplies, so tell all your friends who are getting married to come see us! I'll let you know the site name soon!
Well, it's off for another fun filled day here at the Formenti home! Lots to do and as usual, not enough time! Oh well! Life goes on!