I'm 9 Months and sooo Handsome!

What is this tickly stuff under me?

Mason thinks the grass is ok!

Nice face, huh? must get this glare from mommy! ;)

Today is our monthly photo opp. with Mason! He is 9 months old today and just as handsome as ever! He's learning new things and is as cute as ever. he likes to look out the window and bang on the glass, and he can manuver himself from the window sill to the play table to the chair. He can give high fives and loves to give mommy kisses! He tries to whistle, but even though the lips are correct, the spits still seems to fly! ;) He wants to be where everyone else is. When the boys are playing in thier room, he wants to be in there too. When Mommy is on the computer, he wants to help with the wiring below (like right now), and when we are eating, he wants to eat too! He's a joy still and I can't imagine life without him! He loves when Dave comes home too, he gets all excited and starts screaming and kicking his legs - funny, when I come home, he just cries and wants me to feed him! Go figure! (not all the time though *wink wink*) Today Mason also got to touch grass for the first time! It was nice and 68 degrees yesterday but today it's only about 55, but we went out anyway! He tried to eat bark, but didn't like it too much, and didn't really know what to think of the grass! Oh well, there will be PLENTY of time for play this summer when he is bigger! I love my little Mason!