July 23, 2011

July 14th - Dave's Birthday!

Ok, so I'm a little behind with getting pictures up from Dave's birthday! :) Dave had a softball game the day of his birthday, which he did pretty well at. Afterwards, we went to Red Robin with my mom and dad, and celebrated! Dave wasn't very hungry, just very thirsty, so he got the bottomless Root Beer Float! Oh man.... after 3 of them, he was super stuffed. (along with his appetizers he got to eat) But when the waitress overheard me say something to Dave about being his birthday, they brought out a free hot fudge sundae and sang to him! He was so sick from all the other stuff that he couldn't even hardly eat one bite of the sundae! So Ian and Luke took it down for him! It was a fun time and we love Dave so much! Happy 34th Birthday!

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