October 31, 2010

Elementary School Halloween Parade & Kindergarten Class Party!

Every year for Halloween, our Elementary school does an all school costume parade and parents and family can come and see their kids parade around the school and to the different classrooms! It's so fun for the kids, because they like to show off their costumes! This year for Halloween, Ian was Mario - from Super Mario Brothers video games - and Luke was Luigi (Mario's brother!) They were so cute! It was by far the most popular costume this year, because I saw at least a dozen 'Mario's' parading around!
Luke had his Kindergarten class Halloween party after the parade, and I volunteered to help. It was fun to see him having fun! They did an eyeball on a spoon relay, played 'musical pumpkin' (hot potato with a stuft pumpkin), and played Halloween Bingo. Ian also had his class party, but I wasn't able to go since both parties were at the same time! I think he had fun! They both got fun treat bags to bring home too!

Ian during the parade.

Luke, eating his cupcake after the parade in the cafeteria.
Luke playing Halloween Bingo.

Luke's Kindergarten class!
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