Well, another Christmas has come and gone! I cannot believe how time has passed this year! We had a pretty good Christmas this year. Despite threatening the boys with the 'naughty list', they still got lots of new things from Mom, Dad, and of course, Santa! :)
We started our Christmas journeys by heading to Dave's Grandma and Grandpa Formenti's house in Joliet and had a nice visit there with Dave's brothers and grandparents! I forgot my camera, so there are no pictures! Darn it! The next day, we headed over to Wilmington where we got to see Dave's half brother and sister and their mom. It was fun to see them as well, and they boys loved it too! We played fun games and had a good time! On Christmas Eve, we went to my Grandma Beeler's house and all of my family was there except my sister and her family, who are in Texas. It was great to visit with them and eat yummy food and let the boys play with their cousins! We had a nice gift exchange and everyone had a good time.
Christmas morning came quicker than I thought it would. I at least wanted the boys to sleep until 7 am, but alas, that didn't happen! At 6:15 a.m. they were out of their rooms, and had all the presents sorted into their little piles! I didn't even TRY to tell them to go back to sleep... instead, I just told Dave to go ahead and get up... they were ready! They loved their presents! Hopefully they remember the true meaning of Christmas, even though they do love those toys! The day after Christmas, we headed back out to Joliet to spend the day with Dave's Mom and Granny and Grandpa. It was nice to see them too, and we had a good time visiting them.
We hope everyone had a great Christmas as we did! Enjoy the slides!